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Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.


Barcoding’s #SupplyChainGeeks draw on decades of experience across manufacturing, distribution, retail, and transportation & logistics.

Our experts partner closely with customers and technology partners, taking a brand-agnostic, Process-People-Technology approach tailored to your industry’s complex landscape.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224

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Powering the Moments That Matter

There’s never been a more urgent need to optimize your wireless network.

Do you have connection in all locations you need it, across all channels, facilities and entities (like trucks)? Do you have the capacity and speed you need? Is it secure against modern attacks? Will your infrastructure scale to meet growing demands of IoT, Big Data, and the increasing number of devices?

Wireless technology is essential for getting accurate, real-time information in the moments that matter, with networks that provide real-time access to your data transactions to make operations more efficient.

But the value you get from your wireless system depends on the reliability, responsiveness, and security it provides. Barcoding delivers high-performance, reliable, secure, and manageable wireless solutions for virtually every type of business environment.


Before You Get Started With Wireless

While it’s easy to buy Access Points online, be careful: without proper vetting and design, network reliability and security could be compromised, jeopardizing your entire supply chain operations.

We always recommend a site survey to start. Our professionals are trained in the propagation of radio waves and have the knowledge needed to design and install the right system for your business.

Take advantage of Barcoding’s expertise to help you answer these questions and provide objective recommendations for improvement.


Wireless As A Mobile Engagement Platform

As wireless continues to become ubiquitous, Barcoding will work with you to find ways to leverage your existing wireless install as a mobile engagement platform (MEP). Retailers, hospitality, medical, universities, and others will all see benefits by deploying a MEP to engage with visitors.

By marrying our high density wireless network design with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, we can create a highly dynamic platform that anyone can manage and configure. Out-of-the-box interfaces are easy for marketing team members to use, allowing IT to be removed from the process.


GoLive Air™ & StayLive Air™

Our GoLive Air services are crafted to design and configure an optimum network for your unique environment. We always recommend starting with GoLive Air in order to architect consistent connectivity. Our StayLive Air services continuously monitor and manage your network to ensure long-term connectivity success.

GoLive Air:

  • Onsite wireless survey
  • Paper wireless survey
  • Equipment and configuration recommendation
  • Cabling
  • Network installation
  • Post-installation site survey
  • Best practices review

StayLive Air:

  • Wireless network monitor
  • Wireless network optimization
  • Remote expert support
  • Onsite review and recommendation


With over 20 years of experience, Barcoding has built an ecosystem of products and services to support our customers and help them be more efficient, accurate, and connected. We're here for you—contact us to discuss your project today!
