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Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.


Barcoding’s #SupplyChainGeeks draw on decades of experience across manufacturing, distribution, retail, and transportation & logistics.

Our experts partner closely with customers and technology partners, taking a brand-agnostic, Process-People-Technology approach tailored to your industry’s complex landscape.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224

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Automation for Warehousing,
DCs & Fulfillment

Innovations in supply chain automation
technologies are revolutionizing

efficiency, safety, and productivity in warehousing, distribution, and fulfillment

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), automated guided vehicles (AGVs), fixed scanning, machine vision, and related process automation technologies can handle the heavy lifting and tedious, non-value added tasks—so warehouse pickers, DC workers, and IT teams are fully supported to focus on adding the greatest value to your operations.

GS1_US_Solution_Partner_Executive_RGBBarcoding is a long-standing partner with Zebra Technologies and a Mobile Robotics Specialization participant in Zebra’s PartnerConnect program. We’re also a GS1 US Executive Solutions Partner with expertise and deep experience in RAIN RFID, IoT, fixed industrial scanning, and machine vision automation solutions.

Whether you’re building out a new facility or aiming to improve operations in an existing one, our integrator teams are ready to help you choose and implement the best solutions for seamless, efficient operations and a fast track to ROI. 

Automation can help you solve critical labor shortages, make across-the-board improvements in efficiency, productivity, and other critical KPIs, improve the employee experience, and more.


Select, Prepare, and Implement These Automation Solutions & More:

Autonomous Mobile Robots

Automated Guided Vehicles

Machine Vision & Fixed Industrial Scanning

Autonomous Mobile Robots

AMRs can be a game-changing warehouse operational improvement by safely receiving, lifting, and carrying heavy and unwieldy items, and reducing time wasted carrying items long distances within facilities. Because they are autonomous, they are highly flexible and configurable to their environment. Let robots handle non-value added jobs like dunnage removal, milk runs, moving items from location to location, retrieving items from storage, and delivering goods to packout. Enhance the employee experience, improve productivity, and reduce employee churn.

Automate & Optimize Fast with Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS)

Barcoding’s RaaS program delivers all the benefits of robotic process automation—plus even greater flexibility and scalability. With our selection of cloud-based AMRs, you can be up and running in days, and it’s fast and easy to scale up or down.

For many businesses, selecting RaaS also means the automation solution is an Operational Expenditure (OpEx) rather than a Capital Expenditure (CapEx). For most businesses, it is challenging to get CapEx approvals.

Deliver improved response time, meet seasonal demands, and start taking advantage of robotic automation with a lower cost of entry and optimal flexibility to meet your needs as they arise. RaaS is an ideal solution for small- to medium-size warehouse operations.


Deploy AMRs in hours and watch them achieve full production in as little as three days and five simple steps:


Unbox robots


Connect to WiFi


Allow AMR to map your facility


Set up workflows in the software application


Watch the AMRs get right to work!

Automated Guided Vehicles

AGVs operate using dedicated space within a facility by following magnetic strips, magnets, or beacons as part of the infrastructure required for their operation. AGVs are best suited for environments with fixed, predetermined routes and tasks—duties like transporting materials, intra-facility movements, and workstation delivery needs. Because AGVs are technologically simpler than AMRs, they often tend to be more cost-effective.

Fred Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are built for manufacturing, distribution, and warehouse facilities to improve worker productivity and safety around materials movement. Barcoding, Inc. designs, manufacturers, and supports the production of our robotics solutions in our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania office.

Our niche is automating processes that move goods from Point A to Point B. Our AGVs are designed to limit opportunities for downtime and expected to deliver a payback in less than 12 months. Fred’s technology is not intimidating, and results are tangible. 

Barcoding, Inc. Acquires FRED Automation, Inc., An AGV Company


Machine Vision & Fixed Industrial Scanning


Fixed industrial scanning and machine vision solutions use light-based scanners and/or cameras to integrate RAIN RFID and barcodes into numerous workflows and processes, to streamline and automate operations in production, storage, and fulfillment. 


Control location access with RAIN RFID, and perform more complex product and packaging quality checks, control location access, and more using machine vision technologies.

RTIs and efficiency

Our experts can help you explore a full range of solutions to track and trace products and reusable shipping items (RTIs) as they move through facilities and fulfillment.

Get Your Operations

Are your employees and facilities ready for robotics? It’s easier than ever to get your operations and your workers robot-ready. Get expert guidance on selecting the right solution, preparing your facilities, training teams to work collaboratively with AMRs in the work environment, and identifying and expanding use cases throughout your operations. Our experts in robotics implementation and integration know how to minimize the demands on your IT departments and maximize the impact of automation on your operations.


Consult with our Automation Experts

Your path to improvements in efficiency, productivity, and employee retention starts here!