A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.
First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.
Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.
3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
Call us: 1.888.412.SCAN (7226)
Email us: info@barcoding.com
A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.
First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.
Barcoding’s #SupplyChainGeeks draw on decades of experience across manufacturing, distribution, retail, and transportation & logistics.
Our experts partner closely with customers and technology partners, taking a brand-agnostic, Process-People-Technology approach tailored to your industry’s complex landscape.
Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.
3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
Call us: 1.888.412.SCAN (7226)
Email us: info@barcoding.com
Welcome to another post in our Video of the Week series, where each Thursday we’ve been recapping a session from our #SupplyChainGeekDay Summit. For today’s video, we are featuring our partner, Impinj, a global RFID platform company with a focus on bringing digital life to everyday items. Learn more about our partnership with Impinj here.
Today’s Video
In this #SupplyChainGeekDay session, Pat Richgels, Barcoding, Inc. director of RFID solutions, is joined by Todd Farley, VP of America’s at Impinj. The two #SupplyChainGeeks discussed improving operational efficiencies, especially during the era of COVID-19.
RAIN RFID and Efficiency
RAIN RFID is a battery-free, wireless solution that connects an item to the Internet of Things (IoT). It can be used in a wide variety of applications for tracking and scanning, in the warehouse, retail and beyond.
RAIN RFID is best used as an augmentation to traditional processes, as it can maximize efficiency when applied to certain areas. Finding the specific processes to insert RFID where it will be most beneficial can help a company leverage technology to improve operations. For example, applying RFID to processes where there isn’t a line of sight can boost efficiency, such as a conveyor line, for successful scanning regardless of orientation.
Maximizing Efficiency During COVID-19
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic affected all facets of the supply chain business, from transportation and logistics, to employee safety, to labeling and beyond.
COVID-related slowdowns particularly affected some areas like the food industry. Farley and Richgels discussed how businesses big and small can strategize and future-proof to prepare as we move forward in this era of the “new normal.”
“I think the biggest thing that we see is there’s not a whole lot of new things that have been brought up, but what it’s really done is highlighted the need to have efficiency and the need to potentially change your business,” said Farley.
The pandemic has stressed both big organizations that manage large volumes and found themselves with an overwhelming demand, and smaller retailers who experienced extreme surges and depletions.
“Either way, understanding how you drive efficiencies within your operation is critical,” said Farley.
Watch and Learn
View the full session below to learn more:
Contact us to find out how we can work together to make your team more efficient, accurate and connected with RFID solutions and more.
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