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Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


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Baltimore, MD 21224

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Barcoding, Inc.’s Dan Perlak and Ken Currie Named “Pros to Know”

Mar 17, 2020
TOPIC: Announcements
2 min read
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Pros to Know 2020We are excited to announce that two of our very own #SupplyChainGeeks have been named as “Pros to Know” by Supply & Demand Chain Executive: Dan Perlak, vice president of operations, and Ken Currie, vice president of business development. Both Perlak and Currie play an integral role in our team and have done a tremendous job providing leadership for our employees and service to our clients.

Past Barcoding, Inc. Pros to Know include Peter Zalinski (2018), supply chain architect; Brian Harvey (2017), lead systems engineer; and Martin Jack, CTO, (2016, 2015, and 2014).

Supply & Demand Chain Executive is a trusted resource for successful supply chain transformation. They publish articles, case studies and other resources that help executives and professionals navigate the in’s and out’s of the industry.

“The supply chain profession is ever-changing, with transformative technologies and evolutionary best practices driving greater efficiencies and innovations for companies. At the heart of it all are supply chain professionals. Supply & Demand Chain Executive congratulates the 2020 Pros to Know recipients who are setting the bar for supply chain excellence,” stated John R. Yuva, editor-in-chief for Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

Thank you to everyone at Supply & Demand Chain Executive. We are honored to be a part of this prestigious list. Congratulations again to our #SupplyChainGeeks, Dan and Ken, and to all other award winners! See the full list of winners and learn more.

Contact us to find out how we work together to create a supply chain that is more efficient, accurate, and connected with innovative technology solutions.

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